Committee Member Responsibilities
- Member of the executive committee.
- Steer meetings through agenda.
- Ensure members have their say.
- Ensure decisions are carried out.
- Resolve disagreements.
- Oversee/support all other role holders to ensure they carry out their duties.
- Move to vote if required.
- Casting vote if vote tied.
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
- To assist chairman in their duties.
- To do field captain duties when available or designate to vice captains.
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
- Member of the executive committee.
- Communicator for the club.
- Organise and communicate the AGM, committee meetings and EGM’s.
- Distribute minutes/report to committee and members.
- Collate points raised at meetings.
- Run open competition (East Riding)
- Use email wherever possible for contact to and from members.
- Contact with external bodies, attend AGM’s, GNAS, NCAS and YAA or nominee.
- Contact with the Constable family and the Burton Constable Foundation
- Focal point for outside contact
- Deal with correspondence.
- Official Signatory of the club on official documentation
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
- Member of the executive committee.
- Administer club accounts.
- Appoint auditors where necessary.
- Prepare accounts for AGM.
- Record all monies coming into the club.
- Record all monies paid out by the club.
- Give receipts for all monies given/taken where possible.
- Ensure that the club subs and other fees payable by members are collected in a timely fashion. Collect membership fees.
- Pay bills where required.
- Run the club petty cash float.
- Contact with the Burton Constable Foundation.
- Official Signatory of the club on official documentation
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
Lieutenant 1, 2 and 3
- Special Interest – Club house (ensure the club house is working, due to its limited space.)
- 3 Lieutenants to work together and agree roles to cover all club equipment.
- Maintenance of all club equipment.
- Maintain stocks of equipment to be used by members.
- Organise, repair, replace or remove equipment as necessary.
(This does not mean you have to personally carry out the repairs yourself, but that you ensure that somebody does).
- Ensure anyone carrying out work for the club has the necessary equipment, tools to undertake the job.
- Advise committee of equipment required to be purchased when necessary as the budget allows.
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
Membership Secretary
- Renew memberships for the members annually and when required during the year.
- Ensure, using the Archery GB website that all members are registered.
- Maintain club membership details.
- Administrator of club clothing
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
Child Protection – Welfare Officer (Junior Support Officer)
- Duties of a CPO/WO.
- Undertake and maintain appropriate child protection awareness training.
- DBS certified for Archery.
- First aid point of call (will require adequate training).
- Be the first point of contact for club personnel, parents and children/vulnerable adults, where concerns about children or vulnerable adult welfare, poor practice or child abuse arise.
- Ensure and maintain records of all members who work with children and vulnerable adults have an up to date DBS check.
- Resolve any complaints or issues raised by a child vulnerable adult or carer, in relation to the club or its members.
- Duty of care for the children and vulnerable adults of the club.
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
Records Officer
- Maintain and record scores and achievements of the club members.
- Collect and store all score sheets handed in.
- Collect and send all postal scores to competitions where required.
- Present all classification medals when they are due.
- Present details of all records broken by club members
- Display up to date club records in the club house for all members to view.
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
Safety Officer
- Manage all safety aspects for the club.
- Focal point for all members safety concerns.
- Ensure the club risk assessment is adequate and updated when required.
- Risk assessor for the club.
- Maintain the club accident book.
- Monitor the lost arrow book.
- Close out any near misses raised by club members.
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
Tournament Officer
- Run all club competitions (except for the East Riding and Medieval Longbow Shoots).
- Ensure all trophies are available for each shoot.
- Catalogue all trophies.
- Ensure all trophies are labelled.
- Record all recipients of trophies.
- Keep accurate records of winners of trophies (including, if not given out).
- Replace trophies that are lost or damaged.
- Increase trophies where required and agreed by the committee.
- Distribute competition results/scores/medal winners in the clubhouse and forward to the web administrator for publishing on the club website.
- Encourage higher attendance rate of juniors at competitions.
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.
Social and Events Officer
- Organise social evenings for members.
- Club contact for all have a go’s. Name and number on website.
- Liaison with outside parties, re: have a go’s.
- Plan all BCCB have a go’s.
- Risk assess outside venues, where required.
- Record monies made and present to AGM.
- Organise members to assist at have a go events.
- Ensure enough people are available before taking on a have a go event.
- Contact with the foundation for corporate events.
- Assist at competitions and have a go’s.
- Regular attendee at the club and committee meetings.